Child Driven Creative Play with Nature Inspired Tinker Trays
When I first heard of "Tinker Trays" a couple years back I wasn't sure I what to think. Initially the idea of all of those loose parts...
D.I.Y Nature Light Table: An Invitation to Create and Explore
Daylight is certainly fleeting this time of the year for some. I happen to be in the part of the world that is just spinning forward...
Reclaiming Creativity
I ran across the term, "Creative Rainbow Mother" recently. Actually, it is talked about in the book, "If Women Rose Rooted", chosen for...
Breath of Space
Why is it that some outdoor spaces seem to hold a special place in our hearts? They just feel different or perhaps I should say they...
Our Common Ground
Some days it takes all I have to keep it together. A few days ago I had one of those days. Appointments piling up on the calendar,...
T-Ball Won't Take Us Down
This post deals with potentially irrational worries. Worries of a mom who want so desperately to live off the grid, get back to nature,...
Natural Reset Challenges Week 4: Zero Waste
ZERO WASTE as defined by the Grassroots Recycling Network is as such: Zero Waste maximizes recycling, minimizes waste, reduces...
Liberated By a Jar of Pickles
The whole family made dinner tonight. Because sometimes it's the little things. Cooking more for starters. Relying less on processed...
And So They Build
"And So They Build" - Children's Educational Book Written and Illustrated by Bert Kitchen As an Artist I view the act of Creation as a...
Journaling - A Way Back to You
The beauty for me has always been in the little moments. I photograph everything and sometimes think I'm drowning in unprinted pictures....