Natural Reset Reflection
Wow! It's hard to believe that we've been challenging ourselves in all kinds of inspiring ways for FOUR weeks now. I think the hardest...
Natural Reset Challenges Week 4: Zero Waste
ZERO WASTE as defined by the Grassroots Recycling Network is as such: Zero Waste maximizes recycling, minimizes waste, reduces...
Let Inspiration In...
Since having kids (so about four years now) I've been having trouble finishing a book. I have always loved to read, mostly non-fiction. ...
Natural Reset: Disconnect to Reconnect
Natural Reset Challenge "Disconnect to Reconnect" March 13th - March 19th Sign-up by using the "Join Us" box on the right Oh Social Media....
NATURAL RESET CHALLENGES WEEK 2: FLYING SOLO March 1 - March 7 Get Outside BY YOURSELF everyday for a week. Reconnect. (even if only for...
NATURAL RESET Get Outside and Play (Everyday)
WEEK 1: FEB 20th - FEB 26th Make sure to "officially" join the challenge by entering your email in the JOIN US box on the right! The...