Liberated By a Jar of Pickles

The whole family made dinner tonight. Because sometimes it's the little things. Cooking more for starters. Relying less on processed food, corporations, and businesses. Bringing it back home. Self-reliance, sustainability, and slowing down to whatever degree possible. Every little bit helps. When you want to throw your hands up at what's going on in the world sometimes it's as simple as stepping into the kitchen.
It's been a number of years now that I've been making a conscious effort to become a more ethical eater. Yet every once in a while something I read, see, or eat renews my efforts. Because let's face, even though I think I make pretty good choices, there is always room for improvement. The tipping point for me recently, the thing that made me put on the breaks, and perhaps even back peddle a bit, was a combination of unethical politics and overcrowded kitchen cupboards!
Those two forces combined to propel me into "make something" mode. Make something in the real sense of getting in the kitchen and whipping up a batch of muffins and also in the sense of "make it happen".
To fight off the feeling of insignificance and dread that the bleak skies of winter, the tumultuous change in office, and the wasteful overcrowded cupboards brought upon me - I did what I could. I made a list. What can I do to feel as though I am being proactive in fighting the good fight in terms of social justice, the environment, and finding a way to separate myself even by a tiny bit from the broken system we all seem to be caught up in? I settled on a more conscious kitchen.

I made my first jar of refrigerator pickles! Baked a loaf of bread. Made homemade flour tortillas for dinner. Granola bars from scratch. Pulled out the food processor and made a big batch of hummus. Pumpkin bread, overnight oats, and the list goes on. AND I can honestly say I made all of these things with the help of my kids and it didn't take up much of our time. Seriously, some of these things were so easy I can't believe I buy them at the store!
Let me expand on the pickles for a moment. I will be the first to admit I am way too excited about making these things. My son loves pickles so when I suggested we make some ourselves he was in. While we waited for everyone to get ready to leave the house one day, we found a few moments of down time. What better way to fill it then to heat up a little brine? Sometimes I can't believe this is even me talking. Anyways, yes we quickly put a jar of pickles together and stuck them in the fridge. I didn't follow the recipe exactly, kind of my M.O. but we threw them in and hoped for the best. After about five days went by ( we couldn't wait the suggested week) and they were good...they were actually, what an amazing feeling. Something so simple had eluded me for so long. Liberated by a jar of pickles, ha, now anything seemed possible. So insane but for some reason it clicked with me. Who knows why my brain works the way it does but hey....I'm going with it.
We are so used to thinking that store bought is easier. That packaged tastes better. Our world view has become skewed to some degree and it's good to take a step back every now and again to assess the situation. Retreat into your own little world. Think about your values, your dreams, and what feels right to you. Start at home.

I got to know the bulk bins at the grocery store this past week as well. I mean, yes, I've always been familiar with them, but I wouldn't consider myself an all out bulk bin shopper. I actually took the time to see what I could switch out and saved a bunch of money in the process. The bummer was that I used their plastic bags. After inquiring I found that they do accept glass jars and will happily pre-weigh them for you before you shop. Hmmm, how many glass jars do I want to cart around with me? Maybe I'll try a few next trip. Maybe I'll be that person.
But honestly, it's things like that, glass jars and refrigerator pickles, that make me feel liberated. I have a choice! Even if I only bring one jar in a week, that's one less plastic bag or box I will be taking home with me. And that makes me happy. Maybe I make a jar of pickles or bake a loaf of bread, rather than buying from a large company. That makes me happy too. Happy to know that I can do something to back myself out of the "system" if I so choose. I like to know that I can affect change, however small that change may be. And that I can show my children that they have choices too.
When life hands you lemons.... I know this is so cliche but I couldn't help myself. Don't waste the damn things. Make something!