Don't Spend Life Waiting for the Sun to Shine

Where we live, here in Ohio, Spring was particularly sloooowwww to arrive this year. We entered the season with winter coats and high hopes. Half way into April and snow was in the forecast. Yet between all the cold and rain, we've had a few "nice" days here and there. I remember the first week we finally had a day that allowed us to run out the door barefoot! Ah, what an amazing feeling, to once again sink our toes into the sleepy sleepy earth. But if we only ran outside on the "nice" days imagine how many adventures we would miss. Especially with Spring feeling like it is on a permanent delay.
I feel like you can live life one of two ways, ready to embrace whatever it has to offer or always waiting for the "ideal" situation to present itself to you before you rise to greet the day. I hope to raise my children to have a positive curious outlook on life. Life is too short to always be waiting for something better to come along.
So, how do you get your kids and yourself motivated to go outside and play when it's muddy and rainy and unseasonably cool? Perhaps at first it might take a little persuading if you aren't used to getting out in any weather. But once you begin, it will become a lovely secret habit that sets you apart from all those huddled up inside, waiting for something better.
Today was another day of cold and rain here. The kids were doing a wonderful job of diving into inspired play most of the morning. But as the afternoon set it, they needed to get out some energy. Instead of telling them that it was not good weather and that they would have to explore and play outside some other day, we put on our rain gear. And by rain gear I mean rain boots, umbrellas, and winter coats. Nothing fancy but enough to keep us warm and dry.
I suggested a walk and off we went. A walk with kids is NEVER boring! They found lots of puddles of course, plenty of sticks to collect, watched a worm wriggle along the sidewalk, got chased and had running contests, and so much more. We must have been out for about twenty minutes before one them had to use the bathroom and we ran back home. No long trek or big adventure but when we got inside their "cups were full". That had gotten their dose of nature and couldn't have been happier. And I was ready to face the dinner time routine with a clear head. : )
Bottom line, don't spend life waiting for the sun to shine...embrace whatever life brings your way, rain or shine!
My motivational post for the day (Ha!), because sometimes (myself included) we all need a gentle push to get out the door and to see the bright side even if it's not clearly visible upon first glance...