Simple Things
I am going to keep this post short. A simple reminder S L O W down.
Our children grow up fast. It's really easy to get caught up in all the bickering, whining, and other normal childhood behaviors that can drag a parent down. This side of parenting doesn't exactly fit into any romantic version of raising our kids that we have tucked away in our heads and hearts. No, that side of it is the side that might make us want to press the fast forward button from time to time. I'm here today to offer a few words of encouragement, for those days when slowing down is the LAST thing you might want to do!
I'm not going to lie and say that there is any magic dust I can sell you that will take away all the crazy that comes with parenthood. But I am going to tell you that if you take the time to simplify some moments of your day and really slow down enough to see it...there will be bits of MAGIC EVERYDAY that reveal themselves. Magic you may be missing if you forget to take in the small stuff.
When was the last time you took your kids on a walk through the woods? Or had a picnic in the field? Or dipped your toes in the creek? Do you see where I'm going here? When was the last time you enjoyed a little time outside with your kids that didn't involve any toys, but simply involved connecting with the natural world?
I try to build this type of outdoor time into our days. Sometimes it's tending the garden and other times we get out to the woods. All depends. But, let me tell you, a little bit of magic always reveals itself at those times. Always. Because there are no distractions.
Above is a picture taken of my kiddos sorting through rocks by the creek bed before school. The biggest thing to remember is that time outdoors can be SUPER SIMPLE. There is not much need for planning when it's just part of your routine. My kids know how to take a closer look at the world around them. They are not lost without a lot of bells and whistles. It's part of their day.
So, if you've fallen out of the habit. Or if your kids just don't like being outside. Or if you don't like being outside. Or whatever reason you have come up with, throw that out for a week and see what happens when simple slow times outdoors becomes part of your day.
Then tell me how awesome that MAGIC was when it finally kicked in!
Enjoy the simple things.
Your kids will be off and running (away from holding hands and screaming with delight when they see a butterfly). Cherish it while you can.
Get outside....and breathe. Take it all in.
I promise it will be the best part of your day once it begins to become a habit.
And there you have it. A little reminder from me to you.
Simple Things.
: )